Friday, March 25, 2011

Five Things Friday

Five Things I Love ( and five ways God loves me)

One of the best things about my random blog is that I can change what I want, when I want. As of today, I'm going to start a new numbering system. I've been reading "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp and she has inspired me to continuously keep track of the number of things I've "loved" on this blog. One more thing I'll mention that I love is that I'd already started my Five Things Friday with things I love BEFORE reading Ann's book.

Since this is my fourth list of "Five Things I Love," I'm starting with numbering with "16."

16. Knowing I'm not the only one making lists of things loved, blessings continuously bestowed.

17. Grand-grandson Nicolas Craig Fendley, born March 27, 2007. Happy birthday on Sunday, Nickerbocker!

18. Unexpected generosity inspired by unexpected patience.

19. The many, many lessons learned from the life and ministry of Ron Dunn, a great man of God and preacher. He first opened the first door to learning " everything give thanks..."

20. Grand-granddaughter Naomi Jean Smith, born March 28, 2008.
Happy Birthday on Monday, dearest Naomi!

I love to invite you to start your list today. It's easy.
Just determine to open your eyes to the wonders of love that surround you each moment of every day. Find the meaning in the mundane, the beauty of the present and the joy in the common.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Five Things Friday

Five Things I Love:
  1. Silliness

  2. Quad-Cites Christian Writers Conference

  3. Shoes that fit

  4. Watching the sunset on the beach

  5. My husband cooking dinner on the grill

Five Things I Do NOT Love

  1. Foolishness

  2. Waking up at 3:30 AM for no reason

  3. Shoes that squeak (hate 'em)

  4. Car repairs

  5. Cold food--gotta go, MH (My Hero) has dinner ready--YUM!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fabulous Conference for Aspiring Writers

The 8th annual Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference will be held the weekend of April 8-9 at Cornerstone Church, 775 E. LeClaire Road in Eldridge, IA. The 2011 conference features a faculty of twelve writing professionals with a broad background of experience, and includes two full days of breakout sessions, continuing classes, keynote talks, one-on-one appointments, a panel on the writing life, and a bookstore stocked with writing resources.
The Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference has been called "a hidden jewel in the Midwest." The conference began in 2004 with the goal of helping established and aspiring writers hone their skills and learn the craft.
Faculty members are chosen because of their heart, their skill set, and their experience. Some of the top writing instructors in the nation have come to the Quad Cities to offer their expertise and encouragement. The excellent teaching and God-centered tone of the conference create what one visitor called “something magic.”
Conferees may choose from over twenty-five break-out sessions and six continuing classes covering a wide variety of topics, such as beginner basics, writing for online magazines, beginning and advanced blogging, writing for children, and poetry. A detailed list of classes and descriptions is on the conference Web site (

Inspirational keynote speakers include Dr. Gail Hayes, a motivational speaker known nationwide for her empowering and inspiring messages, and Mike Brewer, pastor, professor, and author of four books, as well as hundreds of short pieces. Russ and Kathy Willis round out the keynotes speaking about Reinventing Life in the Middle--You Can Survive a "Do Over" and Live to Tell about It.

Additional faculty for the conference includes RITA award-winning author of over thirty novels, Susan May Warren; Cynthia Ruchti, Frank Ball, Patricia Durgin, Ginger Kolbaba, Jon Nappa, Michelle Rayburn, and Larry Leech. Twila Belk, the conference director, is a radio personality, writer, speaker, and writer’s coach, as well as personal assistant to NY Times best-selling author Cecil Murphey. She will be available throughout the conference for one-on-one appointments and to offer guidance.

For registrations received by April 2, the conference rate is $269 for both days and $159 for one day. The fee covers all sessions and meals. Registrations can be made online using PayPal, or by calling 563-332-1622 with your VISA, MasterCard, or Discover numbers, or by mail with a check. The conference rate goes up to $279 for two days and $169 for one day after April 2 and at the door.

For registration information and more details about the conference, visit or call Twila Belk, conference director, at 563-332-1622.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Five Things Friday

Five Things I Love

  1. Going barefoot
  2. Mint flavored lip gloss
  3. Prairie Home Companion
  4. Sunshine!
  5. Knock-knock.
    Who’s there?
    Little old lady.
    Little old lady who?
    I didn’t know you could yodel.

Five Things I Do NOT Love

  1. Two and A Half Men
  2. Birds and/or squirrels in my chimney
  3. Being cranky
  4. Temperatures below 65 degrees
  5. Sticky fingers

Friday, March 4, 2011

Five Things Friday

Five things I love:

1. Walking without pain.
2. Sugarless Peppermint Bubble Yum
3. Watching the sunrise.
4. Taking pictures in the park
5. Homemade fries and cheeseburgers on the grill

Five things I do not love:

1. Attempting to get batteries out of the package
2. That Hershey's quit making Sugarless Peppermint Bubble Yum. WHY?!
3. Being lied to
4. Spam (either kind)
5. The price of gas

Five things I choose not to have an opinion about:

1. Donald Trump’s hair
2. The “reality” of reality TV
3. The intentions and motivations of politians
4. The Tea Party
5. Organic food

Five things I do not get:

1. The Home Shopping Network and shopping on TV in general
2. Moby Dick
3. Twitter (hate to admit that one)
4. Why the birds don’t gang up and kick the squirrels out of the bird feeder
5. Nose rings