Friday, August 5, 2011

Five Blessing Friday.

I LOVE this prayer from David, the man after God's own heart:

"Satisfy us in our earliest youth with your lovingkindness, giving us constant JOY to the end of our lives." Psalm 90:14, Living Bible

After a frazzled, stress-filled week (mostly due to ME) I have been asking God to open my eyes to his mercy and grace. For me that's a prayer He always answers. Here are some of my rainbow of "Joys" this week:

66. JOY--sweeping the floor, dusty with the tracks of happy feet of my wonderfully grand-nieces & nephew & grandchildren PLUS my sister. What a blessing to relive the fun of watching races, playing games together and yummy root beer floats!

67. JOY--Washing the dishes from the abundant food we have each day here in this country. Please remember Somalia in your prayers AND don't forget to give.

68. JOY--Thank you Lord that you don't love me "because..." You simply love me. (idea from Cec Murphey and Dt 7:7-8)

69. JOY--Indoor plumbing, showers, feeling clean and smelling good.

70. JOY--"Negative feelings are only emotions; negative feelings are not reality."* Thank you Lord that negative feelings pass quickly.

By the way, the colorful text is because JOY is just too wonderful to be only one color!

*Cecil Murphey

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